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sexta-feira, julho 29, 2005 ás 10:39 da tarde

~Travelling + Swallow on the wire~

In "Mato de Miranda" (Ribatejo), i saw some cute swallows and i thought it was funny the way they were on the wires. At first, there were many swallows on the wires, then it was only one, alone, the others had flied away.

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Preparing to take off..
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This one stayed behind
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terça-feira, julho 26, 2005 ás 10:21 da tarde


Last weekend, i went to Ribatejo, such a nice place !
I made a quick stop in Pombalinho, where i took some shots. The weather was weird, it rain a bit too.

this is the Fontain of "Barão de Almeirim"
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That old uh?!

there are some old houses too...the door is so cool, isn't?
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segunda-feira, julho 25, 2005 ás 11:06 da tarde

Trying to find the right one

I have been thinking about which image to use instead of the clouds picture......i did some experiments on photoshop and came out with something like this:
Of course this is temporaly, i'm not sure if i want to use an image there or no image at all !

I started with this simple shot and then......

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After all this trouble finding a new template and putting the things the way i like, i started to get some errors on my page....this is really depressing , buááááááááá!

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sábado, julho 23, 2005 ás 12:03 da manhã

Beautifull Moon + ruined picture

Ontem á noite, antes de me deitar, abri a janela e vi a lua, estava tão linda, rodeada de nuvens e cheia de mistério!
................Claro pensei logo em tirar uma foto mas o resultado foi um pouco frustante porque estava um objecto a tapar a vista ?! bolas.......##$!!!! Mas.....o momento ficou gravado na memória.


Last night, before going to bed, i saw the moon. The moon was so beautifull,surrounded by clouds, so big and misterious!
.............I tried to take a picture but there was a object ruining the whole view! damn.....#$?!!~

Beautifull MOon
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+ I decided to change my avatar from my profile, this is taken from a very old picture
+Decidi mudar o avatar do meu profile Image hosted by Photobucket.com

quinta-feira, julho 21, 2005 ás 12:07 da manhã


....beta?!Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Here it is the bigger version of the "bathroom pics", this were quick shots.

Ooops dropped something
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segunda-feira, julho 18, 2005 ás 10:59 da tarde

+Dropped Orange+

Lullaby continua em fase de testes.

Quero arranjar uma foto ou imagem gira para trocar com a foto das nuvens, mas ainda não me ocorreu nenhuma ideia...
Entretanto, como a imaginação anda um pouco estranha, tenho andado a brincar com umas fotos que tirei há pouco.
-->O que se passou foi o seguinte: derramei um pouco de Betadine sem querer, quando estava a fazer um curativo, e achei engraçado o resultado e enton tirei umas fotos!

Lullaby is still been tested.

I want to change the clouds picture with another picture or image but i still have no ideas for it....
Inbetween, i have been entraining myself working on some pictures i took today.
-->I dropped a little of Betadine while i was taking care of a wound and i thought insteresting the way it is, so i took some shots of it!

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domingo, julho 17, 2005 ás 9:01 da tarde

~*Lullaby a photojournal*~

Lullaby continua em fase de testes, desta vez fiz um logo para o meu blog:


Lullaby is still been tested, I made a small logo for my blog and is already working.

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quarta-feira, julho 13, 2005 ás 3:12 da tarde

lullaby mudou de visual~-~lullaby has changed

Lullaby mudou de visual temporariamente....ainda estou a experimentar
o novo template...
....não sei se esta foi a melhor escolha....


Lullaby has a new look (temporaly?!)....i'm still experimenting the new template....
.....dont know if this is the right choice.....

terça-feira, julho 12, 2005 ás 5:00 da tarde


testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing
testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testingtesting testing testing testing testingtesting testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing
testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing
testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing

domingo, julho 10, 2005 ás 3:03 da tarde

Untitled post

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sábado, julho 09, 2005 ás 11:10 da manhã

Música para o meus ouvidos

Ultimamente tenho ouvido um certo album que adoro, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant intitulado de Unledded - No Quarter de 1994. O som de Page e a voz de Plant fazem magia. Para mim "The Battle of evermore" é a música de referência deste album, as vozes de Najma Akhtar e Plant estão excepcionais!

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O Dvd está repleto de actuações de Plant e Page em diversos cenários.
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sexta-feira, julho 08, 2005 ás 3:42 da tarde

Segue a luz~-~Follow the light

Thinking about the victims of the terrorism attack in London ....

Pensando nas vitimas do ataque terrorista de ontem ( 07/07/2005) em Londres.

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Segue a luz~-~Follow the light

(foto retirada do j.publico)

quinta-feira, julho 07, 2005 ás 10:16 da tarde


Por enquanto vou usar o blogspot ...... alguém me alertou que o blogspot seria melhor...rrrrrrrr

Obrigada André :P


I'm still using blogspot for the moment.........

ás 4:27 da tarde

Mudanças! / Changes!

Lullaby fugiu para http://www.lullabygal.blog-city.com/ (ainda está a dar os primeiros passos..)

Lullaby has moved, there's a new blog now ->

domingo, julho 03, 2005 ás 10:38 da manhã


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