domingo, janeiro 30, 2005 ás 6:08 da tarde
sexta-feira, janeiro 28, 2005 ás 4:59 da tarde
Hrrrrrrrrrr........., still cold, today I had to put my gloves on, my hands were pretty cold, hrrrrrrr!! The bad weather refuses to go away.....
Enough talking about weather, lets skip it to insteresting stuff. Last summer I had the chance to visit a windmill and I took some photos, I was delighted with the whole thing. There's something unsual and misterious about been on a windmill....
quinta-feira, janeiro 27, 2005 ás 1:24 da tarde
Yeah, its damn cold in Portugal, they say its gonna get worst :(
I miss the sun, i miss the summer.....i like to think about the last summer and think about the warmt, the beautifull light...i miss those days
These pics were taken at the end of the day in a beach called " Praia das Furnas"

ás 1:22 da tarde
I should had done this earlier....I mean explain why this blog???....since I experienced some insteresting stuff with photography, the pasion for photos has grown and now is a part of my life !
I will be posting some of my favorite photos, and of course some of Portugal. I would love to have people see Portugal "through my eyes". Although English isn't my first language, most of the people I know that share my passion don't speak Portuguese so English is a common language for us to converse with
well, I hope you'lll enjoy this blog as much I do .
quarta-feira, janeiro 26, 2005 ás 11:45 da manhã
It's a weird feeling, to wake up feeling older..... hehehe
Here's some black and white i worked on while ago!
this is a picture of my nephew's hand...
Somewhere in Alentejo
One of my friends posing for me
terça-feira, janeiro 25, 2005 ás 6:44 da tarde
I have been away since i started to attend school, many stuff to study, exams........stress....
I decided to post here some pics i have been working on, at least one , lololo
Here it is
Another one from Portugal

This is one of the interesting places you can find in Lisbon (capital of Portugal) called Cais do Sodré
Its all for now
Take care
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