Gosto particularmente da primeira foto porque transmite "calor" "luz" e sobretudo um ambiente familiar...... não ousei mudar nada, nada de tratamentos ps, nicles......talvez digam ke devia dar uns toques por acharem escura.......mas o facto é que gosto dela assim..... ;)
From different colours, happy, sad, shy,etc ...... Uniques!!
I like the first picture alot, i haven't change nothing on this one...no ps , nothing, i just like the way it is......for me this picture is very familiar, it transmits warmt, light....you may find it a bit dark but.....I just like it the way it is ;)
Hopefully you'll enjoy it too

Phil and Valter


Carlos and Marta (this one was taken with a crappy camera 2.1 megapixels...)